+38 050 908-30-25

Address:   Ukraine, 61057, Kharkiv, Hryhoriia Skovorody street, 38, office 4
WAX additives from SEC (Süddeutsche Emulsions-Chemie)

Product name and main properties Type of packing
LUBRANIL N20 for “stucco veneciano”, increased open time 150 kg (drum)
SUDRANOL 340 scrub resistance, gloss support 210 kg (drum)
SUDRANOL 670 — « — « — 210 kg (drum)
SUDRANOL HD 35 for laquers for wood, additional strenth 200 kg (drum)
WUKONIL LP 50 hydrophobic properties 205 kg (drum)
WUKONIL FC 960 increased hydrophobic properties 200 kg (drum)