+38 050 908-30-25

Address:   Ukraine, 61057, Kharkiv, Hryhoriia Skovorody street, 38, office 4

Name Description Packaging
Sodium benzoate (granular) Food additive E211 has a strong inhibitory effect on yeast and mould fungi, including aflatoxin-forming, inhibits in microbial cells the activity of enzymes responsible for redox reactions, as well as enzymes that break down fats and starch.
Sodium benzoate is used in the food industry for preserving meat and fish products, margarine, mayonnaise, ketchup, fruit and berry products, beverages etc.
Sodium benzoate – sodium salt of benzoic acid. White powder, odorless or with a slight odor of benzaldehyde.
Bag, 25 kg
Sodium benzoate (powder) Food additive E211 has a strong inhibitory effect on yeast and mould fungi, including aflatoxin-forming, inhibits in microbial cells the activity of enzymes responsible for redox reactions, as well as enzymes that break down fats and starch.
Sodium benzoate is used in the food industry for preserving meat and fish products, margarine, mayonnaise, ketchup, fruit and berry products, beverages etc.
Sodium benzoate – sodium salt of benzoic acid. White powder, odorless or with a slight odor of benzaldehyde.
Bag, 25 kg
Potassium sorbate Food additive E202 is a preservative that actively inhibits yeast, mould fungi, certain types of bacteria, as well as the inhibitory effect of enzymes.
Potassium sorbate – potassium salt of sorbic acid, is a natural preservative, almost odourless, neutral taste. It has a very wide application in the production of such products as cheeses, milk products, beverages, juices, wines, beer, confectionery, fish and fish products, caviar, sauces, marinades, margarine, bakery, sausages, meat, dumplings, mince, food packaging’s surface processing etc.
Carton, 25 kg
Nisin Antimicrobial substance Nisin (E234) is a natural preservative against souring and fermentation. Nisin has GRAS status, confirming its safety for human health when used in the food industry. Nisin prevents spoilage of food by bacteria, fungi, spores, prolongs the shelf life of the product. Nisin is used in various industries – cooking food from meat, fish, and seafood, processing vegetables and mushrooms, sauces, dressings, cooking cheese and other dairy products (processed cheese, milk, milk drinks with flavoring additives, condensed milk (without sugar), dairy desserts that include cereals, sugar, cream or whole milk), beer, kvass, confectionery. Package, 1 kg
Natamycin Natamycin or Pumaricin is a food additive E235, a strain that is produced by the bacteria Streptomyces natalensis fermentation. Slightly soluble in alcohol and water. In the food industry it is used as a preservative, it is a natural antifungal agent. Natamycin is used to prevent the grow of fungi in dairy products, meat and other food products, and can also be used in confectionery: cakes, pastries, sponge cakes. In addition, the additive E235 is used in the manufacture of cheese as its shell. As a result of surface treatment (surface irrigation or immersion in the solution of the finished product), preservative E235 remains only on the cheese surface. It is allowed to use natamycin and for the surface treatment of sausage products.
Natamycin works efficiently at very low concentrations.
Package, 1 kg